Justice S. Ravindra Bhat retired, a glimpse at his career and recent work

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On October 20, 2023, Supreme Court Judge Justice S. Ravindra Bhat retired from service after a tenure of over four years at the top Court of India. He was appointed as the judge of the Supreme Court of India on September 23, 2019. On July 16, 2004, Justice Bhat was elevated as an additional judge of the Delhi High Court and was further made permanent on February 20, 2006. After serving for approximately 15 years in the Delhi High Court, he was elevated as the Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court on May 05, 2019. Justice Bhat has authorized a total of 142 judgments in his four-year tenure, an average of 35.5 judgments per year. During his tenure, he made various landmark decisions one of which was related to the legal validation of same-sex marriage, Supriyo @ Supriya Chakraborty vs. Union of India. He was one of the members of the five-judge Constitution bench hearing the matter. Before his retirement this month, he delivered various judgments including,